Thursday, December 10, 2009

Garrett's 3rd B-day

New truck with lights and sirens. Mom would love it more if it didn't randomly go off at night and freak everyone out!
Clarissa really got into the cupcakes at Garrett's party.
We had some family and friends over for Garrett's birthday this year. I know it's hard to tell by the picture, but he was pretty stoked about the fire truck and still plays with it daily.

Halloween 2009

On the front porch, just before attending the ward Trunk-or-Treat.
This picture says it all!
Star Wars was the theme. I sewed together some jedi costumes (don't look too closely) for the boys and a Princess Leia for Clarissa. The boys loved their light sabers and Clarissa was just adorable!

Clarissa's Ride

At about 10-months-old when she began to walk, Clarissa started to hitch a ride on the back of this trike. She just jumped on one day and was hooked. Since we had a hard time keeping her off we decided to pull out the boys old helmet and at least make it a little safer. I think this is only the beginning of her daredevil days!

Underwood Farms Pumpkin Patch

"Say Cheese!"
All three in one shot. Now, if we can only get them all to look at the camera!
Dad and Garrett on hay ride.
Clarissa and mom by one of the hundred scarecrows at the patch.
Ryan's class went on a trip to the pumpkin patch and we all tagged along. It's December and Garrett still asks daily if we can go to the pumpkin patch. I tell him, "Sure, we'll go next year." I don't think he understands what next year means because he seems to be fine with my response. He's a funny kid!

Clarissa's 1st B-day

"What is all this singing and clapping for?"
Clarissa turned one in October. She enjoyed a pink cupcake with family cheering her on!

September trip to Utah

We couldn't be any happier!
Bridal Vail Falls, Provo Canyon
Salt Lake Temple (Ryan's the newest photographer in our family, he does quite well!)
We spent just over a week in Utah visiting both grandmas and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Of course, the trip needed to last another week so we could enjoy more time with family and friends. We visited BYU, Temple Square, and Provo Canyon. Chris and I even took a night away to Park City. That trip is definitely on the list to do again! We enjoyed some of our favorite eateries like Jay Dog's and Cafe Rio. Here's some more pictures from our trip.

BYU v Colorado

"Boy, those are some sharp teeth!"
Lavell Edwards Stadium - Typical look for Garrett when he gets his picture taken.

We attended a BYU football game while in Utah. It was a blast because the Cougars won! Ryan couldn't be more interested. On the other hand, Garrett was done after the first half. Later that same week Chris took the boys back to see the stadium and field without the crowds.

Birthdays in Utah

She's just too cute!

Grandma Johnson and Aunt Tami put on a birthday party for Garrett and Clarissa while we visited Utah in September. Of course the cupcakes were as cute as ever thanks to Aunt Tami. Garrett had the blue sheriff cupcakes and Clarissa's were pink princesses.

Santa Barbara Zoo

Garrett ate the tree often!
Apparently this is fun!
The favorite activity for the kids at the zoo is not looking at the animals. It's a park area where they have a hill with artificial grass. Kids slide down on cardboard just like ice blocking. Garrett was always running into the tree. It was just too funny to watch and of course very difficult to get them to leave!

Ryan's U5 AYSO team

Coach Erick and Jaime, with players Christian, Brayden, Braden, Tanner, and Ethan (not pictured), and team mom (me.)

Ryan's first year playing soccer was fun for everyone. He loved playing and we enjoyed cheering him on. He really took the game seriously and was a star player (when he felt like playing!) His number was 7, just like James Loney from the Dodgers.

If we can't find Garrett.....

always check the laundry!