Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Santa came to the ward party

Everyone did good this year on Santa's lap.  They all let Santa know just exactly what they wanted.  I don't think he let them down!

Ryan's 1st grade play

 Ryan proudly waiting on the back row for his part.
Ryan and the favorite teacher Ms.Todd.
Ryan dressed as a Danish ancestor for the 1st grad play.   The costume included a nice warm sweater (hard to find in California) and beenie.  He felt Danish so we considered it a success!  Ryan told about how "green" Denmark is with the amount of energy they use from windmills.

the Kids

Another great photo of our little ones.

Garrett 5th B-day

 Garrett conducting his family as they sing happy birthday to him.
What's up with that face?

Garrett is our little clown.  He loves to have fun and entertain (even when you don't want him too!)  He loves to laugh and it can get contagious!


Love this picture!  His face says it all!

Matching PJ's

I guess that's what happens when you have the same grandma who loves to shop at Costco.  Thanks to Grandma Gibbs, Clarissa and Kate are twins seperated by a year or so and to different parents!

Clarissa turned 3

Out of order on the blog.  Oh well, I guess that is what I get taking months to update it!  Clarissa turned 3!  Our little Clarissa Girl, the Princess, Sue, whatever we call her at the moment.  Of course, we had to have pink cupcakes!

Annual Family Photo

It's that time of year that we have our family photo taken.  Fortunately, Aunt Debi came down to visit and has a bit more experience with the camera than the average joe.  Also, she does it real!!  We took these out on the CSUCI campus.  I think they turned our great!  I love the bottom picture of the kids.  They appear to love each other!

Halloween 2011

 Steven (Ryan's friend) with the bros
 Annabelle and Sleeping Beauty
Halloween is generally a stressful time for mom.  First, she has to keep up with the constant changing minds of the part of her children in deciding what they want to dress up as, let alonw how much money and time is spent on creating/buying a costume.  In our family it also means there is a big event every two weeks till the end of the year with holidays and three birthdays!  This year the kids told me they wanted to be the Kratt Brothers so I spent time and money to make them a costume.  I won't lie, the outfits were ok, but must not have met the standards because the day after I finished, both boys wanted to dress up as football players.  Clarissa girl of course kept to the course as a princess.  The hard part was deciding which one!