Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moving on

We'll unfortunately December was a difficult month for our family. Chris and I went for a routine appointment to check on the baby growing in my belly and found out the heart stopped beating. It was the Monday before Christmas and surgery would have to wait till after the holiday. This rocked our world. We felt much peace soon after the news but it still took time to adjust back to the real world. Since our minds were preoccupied with the miscarriage we forgot to do some important things like TAKE PICTURES AT CHRISTMAS! Sorry kids, we will do better next year. Promise!


  1. Oh shoot! OH well, now you can make up some story about all the awesome amazing gifts they got and then you can say, oh dang-that's right, we don't have any pictures from that year! Ha! Ha! I really am sorry about the baby-I can't imagine anything worse. I can't wait to see you guys again! :)

  2. We sure miss you and hope everyone is doing well. you better post some new pictures soon! :)

  3. I am so sorry!!!
    You are in our prayers.

    Love you!!

  4. you guys are such a strong and awesome family! xoxo
